Brainpaths: method and apparatus received a USPTO Utility Patent on September 15, 2015. Patent approval provides protection for Brainpaths to move forward and develop new models of devices, as well as test models using fMRI’s on an ongoing basis. USPTO Utility Patent #9,132,059 issued September 2015.
Brainpaths is registered by the FDA Federal Food and Drug Administration as: Class 1 Neurological Medical Instrument, non-powered, registered Establishment Number: 3010937782. Brainpaths is also exempt from FDA 510 K testing. Since Brainpaths is likened to tracing Braille dots for the blind, testing has been conducted over many years. It is common knowledge that a blind individual can read a book and receive a college degree by fingertip-tracing coded dots that indent into the fingertips while tracing the coded dots. Brainpaths uses the same fingertip-tracing technology, but without using coded dots. Brainpaths tracing of sharp edged textures provides a ‘Superhighway to the brain’ to stimulate the sensory cortex of the brain